During the 90´s, Roma Prince S.A. continued with its policy of investing in the best technology available, introducing automated equipment. Italian Pavan computerized,high temperature production lines with state-of-the-art technology were installed.
These very high temperatures give pasta invariable quality and consistency, apart from guaranteeing total safety.
Additionally, very high temperature production processes crystallize the starches inherent to the raw material –wheat – avoiding their release during the pasta cooking process.
This results in more consistent and less sticky pasta.Currently, the manufacturing plan has two working lines installed for long-cut pasta, one for short-cut pasta and another one for the manufacturing of nest pasta, which add up to an installed capacity of 8500 kilos/hour.
The above mentioned information, together with top-quality raw material, 100% enriched durum wheat semolina from the USA, and the experience acquired throughthe production of pasta for over 40 years, guarantees the exceptional quality of all the products manufactured by Roma Prince S.A..